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Yoga Mat vs Exercise Mat: Is There a Difference?

Jul. 16, 2021

Yoga Mat vs Exercise Mat: Is There a Difference?

Speaking of exercise, the human body needs at least half an hour of exercise every day to stay healthy. Whether through yoga or other forms of exercise, keeping in shape is the ultimate goal. In order to achieve this goal, you may need some fitness equipment for proper exercise. The mat has a very wide range of uses and can provide the proper amount of firmness and cushion to complete the work. They can do a hard floor, soft and comfortable exercise. The question is, do you have the right mat? You may need to choose between exercise mats and yoga mats.

Some people may not know the difference between yoga mats and ordinary exercise mats. Yoga mats are specially designed for low-impact sports. Compared with exercise mats, yoga mats tend to be thinner and can be found in places with moderate hardness. The thickness of the yoga mat gives yoga enthusiasts enough cushion, so that they can still feel the floor, and will not feel pain because of just using the floor. When choosing a yoga mat, there are many different materials to choose from. Some experts prefer yoga mats made of PVC material because of their suitable stickiness and slightly softer texture.

On the other hand, exercise mats are designed to be thicker for those who do not want to be close to the ground. They are usually used in other general exercise methods such as gymnastics, martial arts training, and gymnasiums. Fitness enthusiasts use exercise mats in the gym for ground training, such as abdominal training. Thicker exercise mats can absorb more of the impact of slips, falls, and jumps. Using exercise mats can also prevent injuries when exercising on hard floors. There are many different options when choosing an exercise mat. They vary in comfort, thickness, and moisture resistance.

Yoga mat

Yoga mat

With so many fitness mats on the market, it is difficult for customers to choose the right mat that suits their personal needs. The main difference between yoga mats and exercise mats is the thickness, so if your main purpose is to practice yoga, choose a yoga mat. No matter which mat you choose, just know that you are reaching your goal of keeping your body healthy.

We are Yoga Mat Suppliers. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our products.
